WorkSource Spokane is your premier destination to find the right job or the right candidates!
Connect with us in person or virtually.
Job seekers served by WorkSource Spokane in 2017
Average wage of customers who received training at WorkSource
Percent of customers who gained employment following WorkSource training

Career Quest helps job seekers navigate the career search process from start to finish.
Landing the dream job requires research, preparation, and action. Our virtual guide allows for customized participation based on the individual needs of each customer.
The virtual guide includes planning tools, links to useful resources, job log trackers, information on WorkSource Spokane workshops, interviewing techniques, and tips for creating an effective résumé.
Create an account and start down the road to meaningful employment.
*Note: The Career Quest Tool is not WorkSourceWA. Click here to create a WorkSourceWA account.
I've had great experiences with WorkSource Spokane.
The classes available to employers are relevant and informative.
The staff is dedicated and knowledgeable, making every interaction a quality experience.
-Jenni Knoll, HR Specialist, Spokane Transit Authority