Pointing you in the right direction. Utilize the check boxes to customize your experience.

Research Resources
- Set career goal and develop your Career Plan.
- Create a WorkSourceWA account to access a variety of job boards and résumé tools
- Improve your digital literacy (computer) skills with these online resources.
- Discover your interests and skills by clicking here and taking an assessments.
- Set yourself up for long term success by becoming skilled and knowledgeable with your finances through our Financial Capabilities class. See a sneak peak here.
- Learn about the labor market to help refine your job search for local opportunities. Click here for a tool to help understand how to use labor market information in a job search.
- Explore training and educational pathways to reach your career goals. Visit our Career Training page to explore pathways, or visit Career Bridge or Career Explorer Northwest for further resources.
- Veterans - call WorkSource Spokane to speak with a Veteran Services Specialist and learn about employment opportunities and training programs. View this workshop for helping veterans find their right employment opportunity.
- WorkFirst Customers - Access tools unique to your success:

Prepare for Success
- Visit the WorkSource calendar to find workshops that will help you excel in your job search and interviews.
- Complete a Master Application to easily fill out applications.
- Create a résumé using a template in the list below. Upload your résumé to Career Quest or save it to your WorkSourceWA account HERE.
- Create a cover letter. Click here to access a free template.
- Have a WorkSource Career Coach review your cover letter and résumé.
- Develop your Personal Presentation to confidently converse with potential employers. Watch this short video then create your own with this template.
- Build your brand by creating a professional social media presence on LinkedIn and participate in local networking events.

Start the Job Search
- Watch Strategic Job Search for tips on effectively searching for employment.
- If applying online is new to you, watch "Apply Now" for a guided process on becoming comfortable applying online.
- Record your interviews and important meetings in your Career Quest personal calendar.
- Visit our Job Opportunity page to access a statewide job board, job fairs and hiring events.
- Keep a record of your job search using a generic Job Log. If you are receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits you may choose to use the WA State approved UI Job Log.
- Continue to network on your social media accounts (e.g. LinkedIn) with businesses.

Ace the Interview
- Ace your interview with the help of the workshop: Successful Interviewing
- Practice a mock interview with a career coach at WorkSource Spokane, with a librarian or through an online service
- Dress for success and stand out from the crowd. If you need assistance with attire to wear to an interview these resources may help: YWCA's Our Sisters Closet, Goodwill Industries.
- WorkSource Spokane staff can supply and assist with Thank You Cards to send following the interview.

Stay Involved with Us
- Share your WorkSource success story for the chance to be featured on the local WorkSource website. Contact our partners at the Spokane Workforce Council: vrapezb@spokaneworkforce.org